Custom Integration
Here you can find the instructions to integrate Scalapay custom on your website: this integration allows you to offer to your clients to buy with Scalapay on your website!
To get the most out of Scalapay and increase average order value and conversion rate as much as possible, the API flow to correctly process the order is just one part of the implementation.
It is in fact mandatory that you make Scalapay visible in all major touch points throughout the purchase process on your website.
❶ Install the Scalapay widget on product page/listing page, cart page/recap page and at checkout
Plase visit the pages dedicated to the widget installation to understand how easily you can install and configure it:
- Standard Travel widget configuration
- Dynamic Travel widget configuration - to be used by merchant with dynamic Scalapay products agreement
❷ Set up the API flow
Plase visit the pages dedicated to the API flow set upto understand how easily you can integrate Scalapay APIs:
- Standard API flow
- Dynamic API flow - to be used by merchant with dynamic Scalapay products agreement
❸ Test your integration with our API Test Environment
❹ Complete Go Live Checklist
❺ Launch Scalapay following our guide!
Updated 8 months ago