

The integration of the Scalapay app is faster than ever!


Vtex installation consists of 1 mandatory steps:

Checkout Payment section



You can integrate Scalapay by following these instructions

  1. Install scalapay.scalapay-connector in your account.
vtex install scalapay.scalapay-connector 1.0.3
  1. Then go to your back office and click on Apps
  1. Click on App Management
  1. Search for "Scalapay Connector" and Click on Settings

  1. Insert the Live API Key

  1. Click "Save"



How to find the api KEY live

  • LOGIN to your Scalapay Partner Portal.
  • Copy your LIVE API Key. In the 'Developer' section of your account, you can retrieve your production API key (starting with 'sp_').

Now go to your back office:

  1. In Store Settings/Payment/Providers click on the button New Provider

  1. Search for Scalapay Connector and add it.

  1. Then to configure the provider:
  • Enter the following name:
    • pay in 3: "Scalapay Connector PAY IN 3"
    • pay in 4: "Scalapay Connector PAY IN 4"
  • Uncheck Enable test mode to set production mode
  • Select Automatic capture immediately after payment authorization from Automatic settlement
  • Select Pay in 3 from Product Type
  • Click on Save



Repeat the previous steps to enable pay in 4


To configure the frontend payment conditions follow these steps:

  1. Go to Store Settings/Payment/Settings

  1. Click on "Add new payment condition for..."

  1. Click on Scalapay Pay in 3

  1. Select "Scalapay Connector PAY IN 3 (created before)" from "Process with provider:"

  1. Check "Active"

  1. Type a custom name
  • "Pay in 3" for Pay in 3
  • "Pay in 4" for Pay in 4

  1. Click on Save



Repeat the previous steps to enable pay in 4