Standard order flow
The user experience of a standard order flow, using API integration, is the following:
- User chooses Scalapay at checkout of your website.
- By clicking on "Pay with Scalapay", he gets redirected to Scalapay payment page: an order is created
- The customer proceeds on completing the payment and gets redirected back to your site
- An order confirmation is sent to Scalapay to confirm the payment and funds are released from user account
- The order is finalized in your backend
This flow allows merchants to capture the full payment amount with a single API call.

1. Order Creation
When your customer places the order, your site calls the /v2/orders endpoint.
The request should carry all the information that Scalpay needs to process the order.
Your customer gets redirected to the Scalapay login page to complete the order.
2. Order Capture
When the customer gets redirected to your site, you should call the /v2/payments/capture endpoint to capture the payment and finalize the order. Scalapay will respond with a success or a failure.
API Reference
Show more information in Standard Capture API reference
Updated 3 months ago